In Transit...Being carried from one place to another
6 feet x 8 feet x 6 feet
Rattail grass and Wood
In transit is an installation consisting of a compilation of found objects displayed in a custom-built and specifically designed “white-cube” space.
Each of the objects carries a distinct ephemeral meaning related to its place of origin, mapping source. The rat tail grass comes from the outskirts of Toronto where it was originally found, yet it is not there anymore, due to the expansion of the city and population. The skids were previously utilized for the transportation of the cement that is now used for the construction of the ground surface on which townhouses will be developed. Juxtaposing the two materials creates a dialogue of the double displacement/double reflection of the original pre/post-existing site. The work chooses to deconstruct the landscape as well as exemplifying the construction of the new site by abstracting the non-site. By positioning the work in this 12 by 12-foot space the installation becomes symbolically and physically placed in limbo. Layers of meaning overlap the relationship between time, space, and place; not only what meets the eye.

In Transit - 6' x 8' x 6' - Rattail grass and Wood - 2017
In Transit - 6' x 8' x 6' - Rattail grass and Wood - 2017
In Transit - 6' x 8' x 6' - Rattail grass and Wood - 2017
Close up - In Transit - 6' x 8' x 6' - Rattail grass and Wood - 2017